Terewa-ku(telework)/Rimo-to wa-ku (remote work)/Zaitaku kinmu/zaitaku wa-ku (work from home)/

Terewa-ku (telework)

Terewa-ku is a coined word derived from “tere” (tele = a distant place) and “wa-ku” (work). It is a work style in which employees use internet technologies to conduct work from a location outside the office. The term telework is widely used by the government, newspapers, and large businesses. “Rimo-to wa-ku” and “zaitaku kinmu” are also used to denote working somewhere outside the office.


Rimo-to wa-ku (remote work)

Rimo-to wa-ku is a Japanese term that combines the English words “rimo-to” (remote) and “wa-ku” (work). The definition of remote work and telework is similar in that they both mean working in a location outside the office; however, “remote work” is often used across IT industries and venture companies.


Zaitaku kinmu/zaitaku wa-ku (work from home)

Zaitaku kinmu/zaitaku wa-ku means working from home rather than in the office. While telework and remote work denote working from somewhere outside of the office, the meaning does not necessarily equate to working from home. In this sense, zaitaku kinmu and zaitaku wa-ku differ slightly from the above two terms and can be considered a form of telework or remote work.

The four terms above are grouped into the phrase “work from home” (or WFH) in English. The word “telework” exists in English but is not commonly used.

The list of glossary