
Specific Skilled Worker Facebook group exceeds 2,180 members

The company Dive, which runs a recruiting service for foreign workers, has launched a Facebook community for those interested in the Specific Skilled Worker visa. On July 19, Dive announced that the community exceeded 2,180 members.

Dive was certified as a Registered Support Organization, a place where foreigners can be employed as Specific Skilled Workers, on May 29. According to Motoi Sugunama, the manager of Dive’s foreign recruiting service unit, the company established the community as a place where people can get advice on various things and post discussions and information. In three months, over 2,180 people from 31 countries have participated. Sugunama says at this pace, the community will exceed 5,000 members within the year.

国籍別当聾者数内訳*Breakdown by country

Breaking down the participants by country, around 50% are Japanese, followed by Vietnamese at 30%. Also, since the community was established the number of individual posts looking for advice has increased, and the number of discussions has reached around 6,000 within three months.

Most of the posts are questions regarding the Specific Skilled Worker visa, and questions from people who want to work in Japan but are not sure how to do so.

There are also people who don’t know which information they read is trustworthy, as well as comments about rampant fraud related to the Specific Skilled Worker visa. Some members have mentioned how their friends and acquaintances have fallen victim to such fraud.

For those who are looking into working under the Specific Skilled Worker visa, as well as those who have concerns related to it, communities like Dive’s can be very useful.

[Facebook page]Specific Skilled Workers visa community

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