
The best benefit of working in Japan for foreigners is “Stable employment”, by Originator

The company Originator, which manages jobsite “RYUKATSU” for foreign people, conducted a survey on the working environment and job change for foreigners working in Japan. Bellow are some of results of the survey.

1. What is the best thing about working in Japan?

49.6% of foreign people answered “Stable employment” is the best thing about working in Japan. Long-term employment is still common in large companies, and this may be attractive for foreigners. Also, 28.7% of foreign people answered “I can work what I want and it’s challenging”, and this comes second.

2. What is disappointing about working in Japan?

The most common complaint about working in Japan is “The level of salary is not high”, 31.8% of foreign people answered. There are countries which pay more than Japan to the people who have studied abroad, therefore for those who came from such a country may be dissatisfied with the salary of Japan.
In addition, the reasons “The roles and tasks are not clear”, “The evaluation criteria is not clear, and foreigners can not promote” come later. Many of them feel that the company does not sufficiently explain the job description and evaluation system.

3. How long do you want to work in Japan in the future?    

41.4% of foreign workers working in Japan answered that they would like to work in Japan for “as long as possible”. However, only 5.4% answered they would like to work for more than 10 years. Therefore, many of them don’t have a detailed plan but they want to work “as long as possible” in Japan depending on the conditions and circumstances at their Japanese company.

[reference page] 【日本で働く外国人社員アンケート】日本の「雇用の安定」を評価(約50%)する一方で、「役割の曖昧さ」「人事評価の基準」には不満(各約30%)も!

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