
Job applicants of 2020 graduates down from last year

The company DISCO, which runs the job hunting support service Career Tasu Shukatsu, has announced the results of a recent survey. The survey was about recruitment activity as of early July, around one month after the hiring embargo was lifted on June 1. It was aimed at 13,506 major companies nationwide.

According to the survey results, the overall number of “entry” (job application registration) and successful applicants has decreased for planned 2020 graduates, compared to postings for those who graduated in 2019. This year, 28.9% of companies responded that job application registrations increased, whereas 46.4% responded that they decreased. As for successful applicants, 27.4% of companies saw more, while 47.6% saw a decreased number. There has also been an increasing number of applicants, withdrawing their candidacy partway through the hiring process, and turning down job offers compared to last year.

エントリー数・選考応募者数Number of job application registration(left)
Number of successful candidates(right)

Looking at how satisfied companies are regarding the quality and amount of student applicants, dissatisfaction both with the amount of successful applicants and those they give offers to stood out.

As for this year’s hiring season, the amount of interviews starting from just before January to March has increased compared to last year. This shows that some companies are speeding up the process, and also that 90% of companies surveyed started their interviews before the hiring embargo was lifted. Also, regarding the finishing of the selection process and fulfilling hiring quotas, 31.1% of companies say that they’ve already finished hiring, up from 26.4% from last year. The average rate of hiring fulfillment was 63.9%.

選考終了状況Completion of hiring (broken down by company size/industry)

About implementing internships and their results, 72.6% of companies that have internships responded that they feel those internships resulted in hiring. The two most common answers in this section exceeded 60% each – 64.2% responded that the internships helped form a preliminary candidate pool at 64.2%, and also 63.3% responded that they helped students increase their understanding of the company.

インターンシップ実施有無Companies implementing internships in 2019(broken down by company size/industry)

Furthermore, regarding hiring plans for students planning to graduate in 2021, 42.9% of companies responded that they will be conducting earlier interviews during the hiring season. Among that 42.9%, over half of major companies (50.8%) responded with this answer. Also, 10.4% of companies answered that they were using LINE for hiring, 37% answered that they want to use it in the future, and 60% of companies currently using it say that they’re seeing good results.

The survey was conducted from July 1 to 9. It was conducted in the form of an internet survey, and 1,376 companies that plan to hire new graduates in 2020 took part.

[Reference page]Mid-year company survey: Hiring for 2020 graduates and new graduates (July 2019)
[Service site]Career Tasu Shukatsu
[Corporate site]DISCO

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