
Keyence tops ranking of companies by hourly wage

On June 17, the company Open Work, which runs the job market platform for job hunting of the same name, released the results of its 2019 Hourly Wage Ranking for Listed Companies. The ranking calculates and ranks an hourly wage for companies listed on the Tokyo Stock Exchange, based on the average yearly salary of these companies (taken from their financial reports), as well as overtime hours data contributed to Open Work, and information on the standard working hours for each company.

The ranking does not rely only on publicly available information. It also includes reviews from employees who have been working for the companies for more than a year and former employees of these companies, who are registered on Open Work. This lets the ranking give a clearer picture than if it relied solely on public information provided by the companies.

The 2019 Hourly Wage Ranking for Listed Companies is as follows.

上場企業の時給ランキング20192019 Hourly Wage Ranking for Listed Companies – Open Work

This year’s ranking also compares numerical values that were gathered in 2015. In 2015 the first place company Mitsui & Co., Ltd. had an hourly wage of 5,900 yen. The average hourly wage of the top 10 companies was also 5,337 yen. However, in 2019 the first place company was Keyence with an hourly wage of 8,037 yen, and the top 10 companies had an average hourly wage of up to 6,300 yen.

Although the positions of the top ranking companies in the list change, sogo shosha (generalist companies that focus on a wide range of products), pharmaceutical companies and advertising agencies are well represented on the list every year.

Job seekers often find that there is a gap between their expectations and reality, both before and after joining a company. In order to avoid this, they can rely on reviews from company employees (outside of Human Resources departments) who have actual experience working at these companies. Studies such as Open Work’s ranking can be useful as you conduct your job search.

[Corporate Site] Open Works

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