
90% of Japanese companies intend to re-employ foreigners. A survey by Japan Association for Working Holiday Makers

A non-profit organization, Japan Association for Working Holiday Makers (JAWHM) that supports and promotes the working holiday program has published the results of “Survey on work values between foreigners and organizations” on March 14.

According to the survey, companies considering the employment of foreigners with primary objective of securing global human resources, and foreigners considering employment in Japan expecting good human relations, are looking out for a comfortable work environment.

In a “Survey on companies considering employment of foreigners”, about 90% of companies that have hired foreigners in the past are considering recruitment of foreigners again. Therefore, 54.4% of companies intend to “Secure human resources who can speak languages other than Japanese”, and 50.6% said that they want to secure resources to “Reduce the problem of labor shortage”.


In the next question, when asked about “What companies seek from foreign employees?”, “Diligence” was highest with 73.4% and “Have humor” was lowest with 22.8%. Also, when asked “What attributes do you seek in foreigners?”, 80% and above said that they seek “Sincere and honest people” and 19.0% said that they seek “Optimism”. When asked about “Payment of monthly salary”, most of them replied “200000 yen and above” accounting for 19.7%.

On the contrary, in a “Survey on foreigners considering employment in Japan”, a trend different from the companies was observed. When asked about “The type of job one seeks in Japan”, “Restaurant” was at number one place with 47.2%, followed by “Language teacher” with 46.1%, “Hotel line” with 45.0%. It is estimated that industries where one can use English or native language are popular.


When enquired about “What are you looking for primarily in work environment?”, “Good interpersonal relationships” was on top with 72.1% and “No overtime” was 29.8%. Among them, the ratio of Europeans asking for “No overtime” was high with 46.9% which was highest as compared to other nationals.


When enquired about the “Expected monthly income”, almost 22.1% said that they expect “200000 yen or more” which was the highest followed by “180000~200000 yen” which was 11.7%. Regarding the monthly income, it was observed that there was not much difference in the expected payment as compared to the payment mentioned by companies considering foreign recruitment.

Also, regarding the “Desired working hours”, more than 40% said that they are willing to work for “8 hours” which was on top. Thus, it is speculated that foreigners in Japan are willing to work for fulltime and earn a stable income.
This survey was conducted on 79 executives of companies using “JobBoard” which is a job posting site for foreigners operated on home page of the same association (JAWHM) and on 436 foreigners.

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