
Japanese staff approve of foreign staff increase, study says

How do Japanese employees feel about working with foreigners? The Dip Research Institute, run by the company Dip, decided to find out. On July 18, they announced the results of a survey they conducted regarding this topic.

According to the survey results, 60.3% of respondents approve of the increase in foreign workers in Japan, and 50.9% answered that they want to work with foreign staff.

外国人労働者が増えることに「賛成」60.3%、「一緒に働きたい」50.9%Q. What do you think about the increase in foreign workers in Japan?
Also, if you’ve worked with foreign staff yourself, what did you think? n=2,992

Among respondents who’ve worked with foreigners, 54.3% of those who’ve worked with foreign staff in part-time jobs thought that it helped solve or lessen staff shortages – the highest response for that question. As for permanent employees, “I was able to take in different cultural values, ideas, and more” was the most common answer at 47.7%. Following that, more than 20% of respondents, regardless of employment type, said that foreign staff improved and livened up the atmosphere of their workplace and that they made more foreign friends and acquaintances.

外国人と働いてみて良かったこと、一緒に働いた外国人の雇用形態がアルバイト・パートの場合「人手不足の解消・軽減」が1位、正社員の場合「異文化の価値観や発想力の取り入れ」が1位Q. What were the good points about working with foreign staff? Choose all that apply.
Also, choose the one option that applies the most.
(What part-time employees who’ve worked with foreigners answered)n=1,335
(What permanent employees who’ve worked with foreigners answered)n=405

In the report, over half of the opinions regarding working with foreign staff were positive. More than a few Japanese workers feel that there is merit to working with foreign staff. The survey results show that there are people who expect the number of foreign staff to increase in the future.

The survey was conducted by Dip on their job board for part-time positions called Baitoru. It was aimed at workers living in all 47 prefectures of Japan, and was conducted from May 6 to May 9 of this year. It was conducted in the form of an internet survey, and there were 2,992 valid responses.

[Reference page]60.3% of Japanese approve of increase in foreign staff. In dining, manufacturing, accommodation, and nursing, 70% tolerate foreign staff.
[Reference page]Dip Research Institute top page
[Related page]Baitoru’s review

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