
Specific Skilled Worker visa: 90% of Asian residents interested

The DIP Research Institute, run by DIP Corporation, conducted an employment survey aimed at Chinese, Vietnamese and Filipino residents of Japan who have Technical Intern Training or Student visas. They published the results on July 16.

According to the survey, 76% of respondents work in jobs that fall within the 14 types designated by the Specific Skilled Worker visa.

Q.現在の職業または業種としてあてはまるものをお選びください。 n=150Q. What is your current industry or job type? Choose all that apply. n=150

Furthermore, 94% of foreign residents are interested in the Specific Skilled Worker visa type, and 80% of students hope to find work or pursue higher education in Japan.

Q.あなたの現在の教育課程が修了した後の進路希望をお教えください。 n=105(在留資格「留学」のみ)Q. What do you hope to do when your courses are finished? (only for those with Student visas) n=105

When asked what bothered them most about working in Japan, most answered “long working hours” at around 30%.

Q.あなたが日本で働いて困ったこと・思っていたより不満だったこととしてあてはまるものをすべてお選びください。 また、そのなかで最もあてはまるものを1つお選びください。n=150Q. What bothered you about working in Japan, or was less satisfying than expected? Choose all that apply. Also, within those answers choose the one thing that applies the most. n=150

The survey also asked respondents about their objectives and reasons for working in Japan, as well as things they liked about working in the country. According to the report, the most answered that salaries were higher in Japan than in their home countries. Furthermore, the data shows that even workers who did not aim to work in Japan at first still felt there were many good aspects about working here.

On the other hand, among those who came to Japan to learn advanced skills, there was a lower ratio who said that they were glad they came to Japan. This data shows that some workers in Japan did not get the results they expected from their time here.

When finding or changing jobs, it’s best to make your aims and reasons for working in Japan clear. This way, you can feel better about the work you do.

This survey was aimed at current Chinese, Vietnamese and Filipino residents working in Japan. It was conducted in the form of an internet survey (Rakuten Insight Study), and was conducted from May 13 to June 13, 2019. The number of valid answers was 50 for each country, making a total of 150 respondents.

[Reference page]75.3% of foreign residents are very interested in the new residence status “Specific Skilled Worker,” 62.9% of foreign students hope to work in Japan
[Reference page] DIP Research Institute top page

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