Gov / Regulation

Approximately 40% of high school graduates and about 30% of university graduates leave their jobs within three years

Approximately 40% of high school graduates and about 30% of university graduates leave their jobs within three years according to survey by Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare

According to a recent survey by Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare 39.3% of new high school graduates and 31.8% of new university graduates were found to have left their job within three years of employment.

If we look at the turnover rate for university graduates in terms of the kinds of businesses and places of employment, for companies with over 1,000 people, 24.2% of left their jobs within three years. The turnover rate for companies with up to five people was 57%. From these results, it seems clear that the smaller the company the higher the rate of turnover. Similar trends were also seen in high school graduates.

In addition, in terms of the kind of industries which had the highest rates of university graduates leaving their jobs within three years, the highest was the accommodation and food service industries at 49.7%, followed by education and learning support (46.2%), life-related service industries and entertainment businesses (45.0%), medical and welfare fields (37.8%), and then retail at 37.7%. Even in the case of high-school graduates, the rate of turnover within three years was at its highest (63.2%) also in the accommodation and food service industries.

The Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare stated that they will continue to provide continuous support for unemployed people by having a free of charge consulting service where people can discuss matters about employment over the telephone or e-mail on weekdays nights and weekends.

[Reference] Official announcement about new college graduate leaving employment (status of March, 2015 graduates)

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