リカバリする りかばりする rikabari suru (perform a recovery)
Much like it sounds, this phrase means to perform a recovery, or formatting/resetting/initializing some particular equipment. The origin of this katakana loan word comes from the word recovery as in a “data recovery” or a “system recovery.”
例: リカバリするためには、事前にディスク作成が必要です。
In order to perform a recovery, you’ll need to create a disc in advance.
Glossary of software engineering
- Ningetsu (person-month) / Ninnichi (person-day)
- Shinchoku ; Progress
- Rikabari Suru ;Perform a Recovery
- Seikabutsu ;Deliverable
Jobs for Foreign Software Engineers
Japan’s IT Industry
- Characteristics of the Japanese IT Industry
- Japanese Language Levels for IT Industry Jobs
- The Benefits of Working at a Tech Company
- The Disadvantages of Working at a Tech Company