Gov / Regulation

Ministry of Justice to setting up “Immigration and Residency Management Office” to accept more expats

At a press conference on August 28th, Minister of Justice Yoko Kamikawa announced that Ministry of Justice (MOJ) plans to reorganize and upgrade the status of the Immigration Bureau of Japan and to set up a new “Immigration and Residency Management Office (Tentative)” next April for expanding its scope to accept more international workers.

With setting up the “Immigration and Residency Management Office (Tentative)”, MOJ will further tighten the control over illegal residence, while it considers improving the working and living conditions of foreigners coming to Japan, and also deploying more immigration officials. The expense related to this setup will be included in the budget request for the next fiscal year.

Currently, the Japanese government aims to establish a new status of residency next April in the five fields which are struggling with the growing shortage of workers: construction, agriculture, nursing care, shipbuilding, and tourism. This “Immigration and Residence Management Office (Tentative)” will be one of the countermeasures to positively accept more expats in the future.

[Reference]Ministry of Justice to setting up “Immigration and Residency Management Office” to accept more expats

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